Friday, May 15, 2015

Where I'm Coming From

     The title I chose for my blog says it all. I don't Facebook, Tweet, or blog, so it's all new to me. I have quite a bit of experience working in libraries, but not with the new technologies available. I started out as a library assistant in a K-12 school back in 1995, so things are a bit different now. I remember the librarian being reluctant to get rid of the card catalog when the library was automated in 1997, but he came around and eventually embraced the new system.

     Even though I have very little knowledge or experience working with these technologies, I am not averse to their use-I'm just uncomfortable with them. I see their potential in a library setting, and I'm willing to learn how to put them to work. I'm hopeful that this class will ease my fears and bring me out of my comfort zone to the point where I can make some helpful contributions in my current workplace.


  1. Don't be afraid! Glad to see you're dipping your toes in the social media pool, Donna! Just think of all the ways you can interact with people that don't normally come into the library, or even people who come in but never approach the desk? Sometimes, these online mediums provide especially shy or nervous people a chance to have their voice heard.

    1. Michael-
      That's what's exciting about this medium-the outreach. We haven't done much in that area at my library, so maybe I can be a "mover and shaker" in that department!

  2. Hey Donna!

    I think that inexperienced and willing to learn is a great place to be. You can become familiar with practice but its pretty hard to teach someone that doesn't want to learn.

    What I love about a lot of these platforms is they are designed to be user friendly they want folks to use them and enjoy them as much as possible. That's how they build their user and customer base, and there's enough platforms now that folks can be picky about where they go. Also, since we're all in this together it'll be a fantastic chance to learn not only form our own mistakes and experiences but each other's as well. Collaboration is the name of the game in Web 2.0 and I'm very much looking forward to working with you!

  3. lol see there's my first mistake I forgot to change my user name before I commented for the class! Woot gonna be a fun May!

    1. Hi Danielle-
      I wondered who "peaches and honey" was! Thanks for the encouraging words.

  4. Donna,

    I agree that this can feel a little overwhelming, but overall I love how empowering web 2.0 platforms are for users. Like Michael said above, it's great for establishing dialog with people who you would have been unable to reach in the past. Exciting times!

    1. John,
      Sorry I'm just now seeing your comment! I'm still trying to get to the "empowering and exciting" part-I'm having to get past "bewildering and scary"!
