Friday, May 29, 2015

"Brave New World"

     Now that I've been able to catch my breath momentarily, I have to say that I am excited about all the new technologies that I've been introduced to in this class. That's not to say that I'm not apprehensive about their use, though. In this case, the only way to relieve my apprehension will be to start making use of them. As a librarian who is in charge of maintaining communications with three different satellite campuses, the potential for collaboration rises significantly with the use of these technologies. Many times the students at these campuses feel really disconnected from the main campus, not only because of distance, but because of lack of communication. Employing social media would be a great start towards making them feel more connected and truly a part of the university community.
     I can also see great potential in making use of a personal website when I am called upon to provide library instruction for the extended campuses, which is what I actually had in mind when I started the Joomla assignment. Often scheduling difficulties make it hard for me to travel to these campuses, but if I had a website these students could access anytime, I could tailor it to meet their needs. I really would like to emphasize the fact that I am here for them even though I'm miles away, and I think these emerging technologies will be the tools to accomplish that goal.


  1. It sounds like your position could benefit from cloud collaboration software! Do you currently use anything like Google Drive for work?

    1. I don't, Ashley, but I'm definitely going to be looking into it! This class has helped me realize many possibilities that would make my job easier and more enjoyable!

  2. Your blog looks great Donna! I love how you're thinking about the students with your idea regarding creating a website that they could access anytime that is tailored to their needs.

    1. Thank you, Mary! Many of the students at these extended campuses are working full-time and don't have time to visit the resource rooms (mini libraries), so I need to find alternative ways to reach them and provide what they need.
