Monday, May 25, 2015

My Joomla Adventure?

     You'll notice I put a question mark after the title, because I'm not sure you could really call it an adventure; maybe more like a nightmare. I think everything that could have gone wrong did. But since I have zero experience with any type of CMS, I count myself lucky to have created anything at all. I had to submit two support tickets and I chatted with about four different support team members, one of whom was called a "support guru". I shed a few tears along the way, but I was eventually able to create some menus, insert some images, and install the JCE extension as well as the Akeeba backup. I figured out the template background, but not the Google font. I changed the font in my articles, and inserted some links the old-fashioned way. With lots more time, a whole lot of patience, and a lot more knowledge, I might be able to master Joomla, but my stress level at the present time was a big hindrance to that.


  1. The Barry Manilow song comes to mind. I made it through the rain... You made it! As both you and I commented on one of the DBs, different people have different learning modes, and perhaps these videos and then being thrown to the wolves was not yours. Hah! I suspect if you had someone by your side you would have done splendidly. And your website did come out looking very nice.

  2. Sarah, You are my "Barnabas"! (son of encouragement from the Bible) I really did have a tough time. The end result could be interpreted as a lack of caring or laziness, but that is not the case-I felt very overwhelmed!

  3. Sarah, You are my "Barnabas"! (son of encouragement from the Bible) I really did have a tough time. The end result could be interpreted as a lack of caring or laziness, but that is not the case-I felt very overwhelmed!

  4. Donna,
    You were able to install some extensions, so you made out better than I did. Your site looks good!

  5. Thanks, John. You are very kind.
