Friday, May 29, 2015

To "QR" or not to "QR" That is the "QRestion"!

     A comedian, I'm not. I was just trying to come up with a clever title for my post on the QR question. While serving as one of the moderators for a discussion post on the value of using QR codes in the library, I have had yet another chance to see how technology is truly becoming "ubiquitous". (I thought I had seen the last of that word, but evidently it's a popular word.) Anyway, my classmates have provided lots of food for thought on the matter and given me some good ideas that I might be able to convince my colleagues to experiment with in our academic library. Though we're still struggling with getting the students to come to the library in the first place, so maybe we need to put a huge QR code in the cafeteria that says "Scan me to see what you've been missing!" Hey, maybe that's my novel use that I haven't been able to think of for the discussion posts.
     Below is the QR code I created using the BQRious code generator. It is set up to link to the library's homepage, and I chose the color because it's close to our university's "Faulkner Blue" as we call it.


  1. Haha I like the cafeteria advertisement idea! Libraries really do need to advertise outside of the actual library building...

  2. I agree, Ashley! Everyone else comes to the library to hang up a poster for this or that, so we can do the same!
